Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We are moved into our house...most importantly we are out of the trailer and today finally have internet again. For those very few of you who still check my blog and haven't given up on me.... I'm back and hope to blog much more often. Here's the update...
We moved in Thurs 7-24
We got internet and phone hooked up today 7-29 (Tues)
We get our furniture and stuff delivered on Thursday 7-31
and then begins the downsizing.
I actually love the house and I love it's size. It's not too small at all. I think it's perfect. I can't wait to decorate and arrange my things in it later this week. I also am looking forward to getting rid of the clutter. Life really is so much better, simpler, without all the "stuff".
Love and miss you all ... really you have no idea!

Here are the kids in the kitchen waiting for dinner - yes it will be so nice to have a table again.

For those of you who don't know I love to make cupcakes, it's like artwork to me. I finally have a kitchen to bake in. We made spice cake cupcakes yesterday...yum :)

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

MMM! I will always remember the cake you and the kids made me for my birthday last year. It was almost too cute to eat. (I really didn't mind eating it, though!!!)
I am happy you guys are out of the trailer and into your house! We miss you all, but it helps knowing you are where God wants you, until he brings you back here.