Tuesday, June 24, 2008

from Panama City to Lakeland

Well God moved before we even got to Lakeland. We left Panama City early Monday morning in hopes of arriving early enough to rest and attend the revival meeting that night. Anyway, we stopped for gas and a quick McDonald's run after a couple hours into our trip and as we were just leaving the parking lot and about to get on the freeway again a young couple walked in front of my car and before I could even think or process I rolled down my window and asked them if they needed a ride.

They anxiously said yes and thanked me and I moved some things so they could get into the car. Their names are Michael and Julie, their car broke down and they were headed towards the coast in FL a couple hours past where we were going. They hop in the car with me and two kids and Neville Johnson preaching on a CD, worship music later, not to mention the car is traveling to a Todd Bently meeting in Lakeland. God was obviously up to something, and here I thought I was going to Lakeland for me, turns out somebody just needed a ride.

They were a great couple, in what seemed to be just a pretty tough time in thier lives. We all really enjoyed their company, especially the kids. They did go to the meeting with us that night and turns out Julie grew up in revival meetings and church camps (sounds to me like God's just calling her home), Michael didn't know anything about God but had just got handed a bible the day before from a trucker that gave them a ride.

Michael was most effected by the meetings and it was exciting to see him so curious about the Lord. I think he read his new little pocket bible almost the entire meeting. After the meeting Jim gave them a ride to the coast where they needed to end up. We prayed for them and Jim had some good talks with Michael on their drive. I wish I would have taken a picture before they left.

I'm not saying we should go around picking up hitch hikers but I am saying it is pretty amazing how God can use us if we'll let Him. I was so blessed by blessing them. And I am so thankful God did what He did before I could reason myself out of it. May He use us all in such ways that this world outside our comfort zones could be changed.


Kimmy said...

What an awesome testimony! It's funny how God can use even just offering someone a ride! That's exciting. Glad you guys got to go to Lakeland! It's exciting to see how God is moving there.
He's moving everywhere! Worship Saturday night was amazing!
Love you guys,and miss you. It's fun to hear how God is already using you in other places!

Lydia Paige Louise said...

oh i love that! and it was so good to see you guys! it was so a God blessing that He alowed us all to be there when you got there!! i love you guys and can't wait to come visit you someday!