Thursday, June 19, 2008

Broke Down...

We broke down on our drive from AZ to TX. It was the van that broke but God is gracious and good and we were fixed and ready to continue by 9am the next morning. We got some good pics out of the deal. I wish we were able to take more pictures along the way, we have been in the midst of some of the most beautiful scenery. FYI, worship at sunrise driving through the mountains is O so very amazing - it's truely powerful!!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Glad you fixed the van! Here's praying for no more breakdowns, or any mechanical problems! Love the pics,and congratulations Julia, on learning to swim! We love you all, and think of you OFTEN!
Thanks for keeping us all posted on your trip. It makes it seem like you guys are not so far...